
Follow the Planning our sustainable future project and have Your Say

To accommodate our evolving community and manage future growth on the Beaches, we need to think about how our places are planned.

Between 2019 and 2023 Council is creating a new roadmap for managing the way the Northern Beaches evolves over the next 20 years.

We started this process in 2019 with the release of our Local Strategic Planning Statement – Towards 2040outlining the future vision for the Northern Beaches and our commitment to a sustainable future. This is one of the building blocks in our new planning framework that integrates regional directions set by the Greater Sydney Commission and the community priorities identified in our Community Strategic Plan – Shape 2028.

We completed consultation on our Local House Strategy in early 2021. This was adopted by Council on Tuesday 27 April 2021. 

The strategy has been forwarded to Department of Planning, Industry & Environment for approval.

What's happening next?

We are working towards a single planning framework for the Northern Beaches to replace our current four Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) and four Development Control Plans (DCPs). This will provide the community with a clearer, simpler and fairer set of planning rules to guide and manage future development.

    Over the next two years, we will be working with the community to bring together our current local planning controls. Several technical studies and investigations are underway to inform the new LEP, including an Environmental Zones Review and a Local Character Study. We expect to exhibit these two studies in late 2021 and we will be undertaking targeted consultation with key stakeholders at the time. 

    Council approved the release of a Discussion Paper on the future LEP at its meeting on 16 June 2021. This is on public exhibition from Friday 25 June to Sunday 5 September 2021. We welcome your comments.

    Find more information and get involved

    Head over to Your Say for more information, to register for updates and to participate.