Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Brr… it’s still a little chilly out there! Which means it’s time to stop and smell the wattle.

Here’s a few good reasons to grab your beanie and see what nature has to offer in winter.

Some animals drift into a state of unconscious sleep, known as a ‘torpor’. But, many beautiful birds and flowers are still thriving.

The best things about winter include:

  1. Numerous plants that are still flowering, providing tasty food for our local wildlife.
  2. The gorgeous orange flowers of the Heath Banksia (Banksia ericifolia).
  3. Bushy needlewood (Hakea sericea) with their white, perfumed flowers. Their sharp leaves offer habitat for small birds, keeping them safe from larger predatory birds.
  4. A beautiful climber known as Happy Wanderer (Hardenbergia), with its dainty purple pea flowers.
  5. Our precious Sydney Golden Wattle (Acacia longifolia) with its showy bright yellow sprays.
  6. The robust White Correa (Correa alba), with its star-shaped flowers that small birds adore.
  7. The ancient, She-oak (Allocasuarina sp.). These trees have been around for millions of years, even before insects arrived on our planet! However, they still pollinate in the same way, with the wind spreading the pollen from male to female trees.
  8. For bird lovers, the Osprey and Powerful Owls are busy preparing for spring, seeking out a mate and finding a suitable nesting site.

Get more great facts on native plants local to the Northern Beaches.