Property Details
Applicant name
Address of property
Your property must meet one exemption criterion before you can submit this form.
Criteria 1 - Land Ownership
Is the land owned by Government, a charity or a public benevolent institution?
Charity: The Charities Act states that to be a recognised as a charity, an organisation must be not-for-profit, have only charitable purposes that are for the public benefit, not have a disqualifying purpose, not be an individual, a political party or a government entity.

Public benevolent institution: An organisation that meets the legal meaning of charity and has benevolent relief as its main purpose, and that relief is provided to people in need.
Criteria 2 - Rating Category
Is the land categorised as Farmland for rating purposes?
Criteria 3 - Location
Is the exemption request for a rural residence or rural business (ie. land not located within a village, town or city)?
Note: May include land located on Pittwater’s western foreshore, zoned RU2 rural landscape (former Pittwater LEP) or zoned RU4 (former Warringah LEP). Please Note: Strata developments are not exempt and land will be assessed against the level of stormwater service currently in place.

Check the zone of your property.

Strata development: Strata is a form of ownership generally devised for town house developments or multi-level apartment blocks and horizontal subdivisions with shared areas.
Criteria 4 - Land Use
Is the exemption request for vacant land or land with a maximum of 5% impervious surfaces (eg. large recreational areas like golf courses)?
Impervious surfaces: A surface that water cannot percolate through, such as hard-standing paths or driveways, roofs, garages and outbuildings that do not allow fluid to pass through.

Pervious surfaces: A surface, or porous surface, that allows water to percolate through, such as grass, sand, soil, vegetated or gravel areas
Exemption Assessment - Meets criteria

You have selected a criteria that might make you eligible for an exemption from the Stormwater Management Services Charge (SMSC).

Your application will be assessed by the Stormwater & Floodplain Engineering Team for consideration and approval. You will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible

Please now submit this application.

Exception Assessment - Does not meet criteria
Sorry but you do not meet the criteria to apply for an exemption from the Stormwater Management Services Charge (SMSC).